Friday, March 31, 2006


Been busy with work, softball and soccer. I have some pictures I need to upload this weekend.

Kelsey and Jordan's Opening Day ceremonies for softball from earlier this month. Pictures from Noah's first soccer game this season. Pictures of the work done on the house (fireplace tile done, new blinds done, paint done).

We are having Jordan's birthday party this weekend at the bowling alley. Not sure what to get her for her birthday though. Mamo and Papo are talking about getting her heelys. That should be fun. lol

Next weekend we'll be going out to dinner for mine and Jordan's birthday. And then me and the kids are off to see my parents and aunt and uncle in AZ. The kids are really looking forward to seeing grandma and grandpa!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Commit a Crime, Be Rewarded

Seriously - how is this for a defense? The people here in the US that have come here for "economic prosperity" are here ILLEGALLY in a great deal of cases. That's ok says President Bush, let's give them amnesty ( Guest Worker Plan Leads Immigration Debate ). So in essence, let's overlook the fact they are breaking the law.

So next time someone gets the urge to rob a bank for "economic prosperity" one can just say "I knew it was wrong before, during and after I committed the crime, but it was for my own economic prosperity and in line with the immigrants breaking the law, can't we just overlook that too?"

I call it the illegal immigrant defense - commit a crime, admit to wrongdoing, be given amnesty. Oh and don't forget to stage a walk out.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Mickey Mouse

The downside to living next to open fields. Open fields when they get graded for new homes, bring out the critters. The critters have to go somewhere obviously.

We have said critter in our attic. Nothing better than waking up at 3am in the morning to scratching of the critter on your ceiling - seemingly mad as hell - apparently pissed we closed off all his access into the house.

Field mice suck. Anthony suggested we put Peanut up in the attic to "hunt" out the mouse since he's a terrier line that was originally bred to hunt vermin. I doubt we'd be able to get Peanut down after though so we are putting up traps instead.

Friday, March 17, 2006 - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics

Alley Cats win again!

Ok I have some updating to do. The kids have had opening day ceremonies. I have pics to upload for that.

Kelsey finally was able to play her first game since the rains. Most of her games have been rained out due to rain or muddy fields. They moved fields yesterday so they could play since the field assigned was still muddy. And more rains this weekend!

Kelsey's first game - 5-2 in favor of the Alley Cats!
Kelsey's second game - called due to mercy rules 6-1 in favor of the Alley Cats!

She's a catcher now and she's loving it. Of course she wants us to go out and buy all the expensive catcher's gear. She'll have to settle for use of the league's gear, but we'll buy her the knee savers.

Jordan has played a few games as well. Not sure I have pictures of any of the games, but I have them from opening day for sure.

I've been late in updating because we are doing housework. We've just painted the full inside of our house and everything had to be moved so I haven't had much time to upload pictures or update here. I've taken before and after pics of the fireplace but not the walls. All the bedrooms have been painted as well and it's made for a sleeping nightmare to say the least.

Noah starts soccer tomorrow. Now I know why I didn't care much for Spring season soccer - they play in the rain! He plays tomorrow rain or shine. I'm not looking forward to standing in the rain for 90 minutes lol.

Pics hopefully soon!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Home Improvement Part I

I wanted to have the ceilings scraped of the acoustic popcorn stuff, retextured, primed and painted. *sigh* I guess it's just cheaper for me to repaint. So much for scraping the ceiling. But the house is getting painted next week and we'll be adding chair rails and new baseboards.

The bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen will be painted antique with cafe cream trim. The living room, dining room, hallway will all be painted with barnwood on the bottom half of the wall and antique on the top with cafe cream trim.

And we are working on the fireplace this weekend. Pictures to come!