Friday, February 17, 2006

Peanut Update

He's doing better in his crate more quickly than I had expected. I've started training him with the command "quiet" so he knows not to whine or bark. It's going well. Of course last night when I tried to use it after putting him in his area, it didn't work too well. More time is needed.

He goes into his crate at 10pm in the garage. Not the most ideal but when he learns the "quiet" command, then he can be in the room. I can sleep through the wimpering but Anthony can't. He doesn't wimper in the garage though which is weird. And he hasn't been wimpering in our room when we get home for the day - he's patiently waiting at his gate for us, not barking any more. That's always a good sign. But I think until he's fully ready, he knows we are in the room and will wimper. In the garage, he starts barking about 4am to be let out for a potty break, then he goes back in until 6am when we all get up for school/work. I've noticed just the last few days his potty breaks are becoming more "regular" and he's showing more signs of wanting to be outside to do his business which is good. He still has the puppy pads in his day area and at last he's only using those instead of going everywhere lol.

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