Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pet Peeves

I really don't have the patience for drivers who insist on site-seeing while you need to be somewhere. And inevitably they need to be driving S---L---O---W---L---Y in front of you. This happened to me yesterday. I was on my way home to get the kids from school and in front of me is a driver from Tennessee who wanted to take in the sites of EVERY strip mall on the street. He'd brake for everything so he could crane his neck to see what the mall had. GET OFF THE ROAD!

I really lack the patience for drivers who can't merge onto a freeway or can't change lanes without some big ordeal and nearly causing an accident. What is so difficult about merging onto a freeway AT freeway speed? Why must you get onto the freeway doing WELL below freeway speed and then freak out when cars pass you or honk at you because obviously you can't drive? And those changing lanes at the very last minute just irritate me. You clearly can see the sign that the interchange is one mile ahead. WHY must you wait until the very last fly-off-the-road-second to merge in front of cars tightly packed together? Oh and then be sure to come flying up to merge into a tightly packed line of cars and slam on your brakes. That certainly helps matters.
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Let's not even discuss the rain factor. It's water people, not the great flood. If you can't drive the speed limit when it's perfectly safe to do so on the road, DON'T DRIVE IN THE FAST LANE - MOVE OVER! And what is with drivers who don't want to pass the big trucks when it's raining? Again, it's just water, not the end of the world.

So today - I had the site-seeing driver who didn't know how to merge onto the freeway, cut off a diesel and slow down to do so clearly afraid to drive in the rain. Why are these people allowed to have control of a vehicle?
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